Fiscal Year | 2-0182019 |
Activity Date | 06/11/2017 |
Activity Type | Medicine donate to HEPATITIS “C” patient |
Activity Title | fight against hbc |
Number Of lions | 5 |
Number Of Lion Hours | 5 |
Number OF People Served | 1 |
Total Participents | 1 |
Item Donated | 1 |
Hours Donated | 1 |
Funds Raised | 2000 |
Funds Donated | 2000 |
Activity Description | Our club arranged medicine for the HCV + patient and donate at Surriya Majeed Trust Hospital Marzi pura Faisalabad Thanks to Lion Atif Munir Lion Muhammad Javid Sharif, Lion abdul salam Shahid Lion Munir Ahmed Thanks sec-2017-18 Abdul Salam Shahid |